Monday, December 22, 2008

Is it sundown yet?

So we finally got to the first night of Hanukkah. Preparing for the holiday brought me back to my childhood where my parents would put all of our wrapped gifts in piles in the living room and my sister and I can survey the piles and plan our strategy for which one to open first, second..etc. I have followed the same tradition and put all the presents out for the kids to check out prior to opening.

Sophie was quite observant as she saw one package and determined that that was the one she would open first. She knew it was her "American Girl Doll" bed that she has been wishing for. (She is none the wiser that the bed actually came from Target at half the $100 price tag) looks exactly the same and I have an extra $50 in my pocket. She kept saying "I know that's my bed..I can tell by the shape".

All day yesterday Mason kept it time to open a present?" I explained that we had to wait for the sun to set and then we would light the menorah and open a gift. 5:00 last night..he comes running in the kitchen "The sun set, the sun set..present time!"

As predicted, Sophie got her American Doll Bed and Mason scored a cool arts and craft toy. Color Wonders which is a parents dream. No mess.

My friends with older children warned me that my pile of presents will end as Sophie and Mason get older. I will want to determine the order of the gifts as the holiday falls on school nights. Saving the fun toys for the weekends and a new shirt for school nights.

I will also have to enjoy the lower costs of gifts now while my kids don't really care and their tastes are less expensive. I was told to wait until the days when their wish lists include cell phones, iPods and video game systems. Then I'm in trouble.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Agony of Defeat

It finally happened. My child beat me in a game. Now, I'm no wiz on video games..I admit that. However, Sophie has always been a hot mess with anything that requires fine or gross motor skills. Watching her try to figure out the Wii last year was painful. In the past couple of days a light switch was apparantly turned on and Sophie uses the controller with ease. She challanged me to a game of bowling this morning and I felt pretty confident that I could beat a 5-year old. Seeing her practice and getting strikes and spares effortlessly I really did give it my all. I figured if I beat her it would be a life lesson. Lesson to me. Sophie got 124, I got 123.

I better start practicing!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Monday, September 1, 2008

Moving on Up!

Enough about Sophie. Yes, she started kindergarten, yes she rode the school bus. All big things, we know. Another big change in the Schorr family is that Mason graduated from the 2 year old classroom and had his last day there on Friday. He has been making visits to his new class all week to transition, but Friday he spent the whole day in his 2 year old classroom and he was king for the day and his teachers loved spending every last minute with him (they really did).

I love the daycare that the kids go to (well, just Mason now) but they have a steadfast rule of not being able to go up to the 3 year old room until they are fully potty trained. Big problem in this house since Mason was clearly not ready on his 3rd birthday to do it. It took 3 months and Mason decided enough is enough and made the plunge in a few short days. It was pretty hard for us this summer. Mason was clearly one of the bigger kids in his room and all of his friends had transitioned upstairs to the 3 year old classrooms. I was so scared that he was going to be in the same class picture when school pictures were taken in September.

So tomorrow, armed with a new Spiderman lunchbox, Mason will climb a flight of stairs into his new 3 year old class and join his other friends he has been missing for a few months!

We are successfully peeing and pooping on the potty so we are all pretty happy. We still have to deal with a wet pull up at night (during sleep)...but that will come in time. I am not in a horrible hurray with that one. All in good time.

Mason with his 2 year old teachers, Ms. Donna and Miss. Ashley.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to school we go...

I woke up at 6:30 am this morn to get myself together so I could be ready for the kids and Sophie was already in the hallway completely dressed waiting at the window for the bus. So excited! Her school requires all the kids to wear a baseball cap of a certain color (all classrooms have a different color) so when they got off the bus, the staff can quickly identify the newbies and get them to the right classrooms. She will have to wear it for 3 weeks until everyone knows each other and comfort has set in. It's pretty mind-boggling..8 classrooms with 20 kids a piece..can make for a confusing drop off!

The backpack was ready, the lunch was packed. We were all ready. Brian went in late to work today to see her off on the bus. This was a definate can't miss moment in her we were ready with the camera and the camcorder.

So, the bus rolls up and Sophie steps on the bus and didn't even turn around. I had to yell to her to blow me a kiss goodbye, but she ignored me as she boarded the bus. All my neighbors told me this is exactly what you want her to do..but I still felt jilted. I'm just happy to see her so excited to go to school! The one glitch is the bus had to pull over at the corner to make sure all the kids were seated. I just hope she had a seat before the bus started rolling..I think that would have got her upset!

Later that morning I hosted a "coffee and kleenex" breakfast for all the rookie kindergarten parents in our MOMs club. Suprisingly the coffee ran out, and we didnt really even need the kleenex!

I can't wait for her to come home to hear about her day!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Here We Go!

Today was the day we have been counting down to all summer. The first day of kindergarten! It wasn't exactly a full jam packed was gradual entrance and mom got to go with her. We had the afternoon session and Sophie was wearing her backpack for a good part of the morning, busting at the seams to go.

Sophie got Ms. Devivo for her K teacher this year and I couldn't be happier so far! She is so sweet that her classroom should have been made out candy. She was really great with the kids. The kids got to do a getting to know you activity while the parents filled out all of the paperwork. They got to take a little field trip to the cafeteria to get a drink and learn that routine. Before you know it, the 2 hours were up and it was time to leave.

We hit the ground running tomorrow with the school bus. They give all the kindergartners baseball caps with a color that goes with each homeroom. So, as they get off the bus, they can escort the kids to the right class.

No homework for Sophie tonight, but I have many more forms to fill out...
Report back tomorrow for the "official first day" in my opinion..bus and all!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

One Lump or Two?

When you have a child you start thinking of things you want to experience with them as they grow up. For Brian, I'm sure he can't wait to go to a football game with Mason, or share a beer with him (when he is 21 of course!). Having a girl, I have several things on my list of things to do with Sophie. Pedicures and manicures, shopping, the American Girl Store, and going for tea.

Tea by Two is a great tea room in Bel Air that I have been to a few times with my girlfriends. It's cozy and only has about 7 tables. I knew this would be a fun thing to do with Sophie before she heads off to kindergarten this week. Sophie had a great time and the wait staff got a kick out of the little customer they had. The tea room only allows kids 5 year old and up so Sophie was the youngest customer there today. The offer a really cute kids tea which included pb&j finger sandwiches, chocolate chip scones and a teapot shaped cookie. She was able to get lemonade which they served in a teapot. She also loved my cucumber sandwiches as well. Her favorite thing that she tried was lemon curd. She was eating it by the spoonful.

She was very well behaved and really looked like a young lady with her sophisticated new hair cut and her earrings. Although as soon as she came home she begged to change back into her shorts and t-shirt. The girl is really not about the dresses. She really had fun and I'm really forward to starting this as a tradition with her before she heads off to school each year!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

For a Good Cause...

Cancer has unfortunately been part of our family. I remember my aunt dying from breast cancer at the age of 38. My grandfather died from stomach cancer and my dad has had both thyroid and prostate cancer. Brian's family has had it's share too..his mom is a survivor of breast cancer and his grandfather died of cancer. I myself had a big breast cancer scare in 2004. It has been an affliction we have been unable to avoid. When it comes to charitable contribution, the American Cancer Society always takes priority in our family. For the past 18 months Sophie has been growing her hair in order to donate to "Locks for Love". The charity takes donated hair to make into wigs for people who have lost their hair through chemotherapy. It has been a long 18 months and it seems like it took forever to grow..but today was the day we did the big cut. We figured the timing was right..starting school next week with a fresh new hair cut.

She was very excited to lop off the ponytail. She knew she was doing good for someone else, plus she was ridding herself of the long mane that always seemed to knot up and put her in tears when combing.

Afterwards we went to the mall for some shopping. Sophie worked up the nerve to get her ears pierced! Once I paid, she chickened out and started crying. Her response to the technician was "leave me alone, I never did this before, I'm only five years old!". With some coaxing and bribing I was able to calm her down and get her to sit in the chair and get it done! She barely cried and was quite pleased with the end result!

What a day for Sophie!

Friday, August 15, 2008

We interupt this Program for a Very Important Message...

Sorry for the delay in blogging. We have been away for about 2 weeks. A week in Vermont and nearly a week at the beach. Details of the trips and pictures to follow when I catch my breath...

However, this can not wait....

Mason is toilet trained!!!!! Oh yes! We got the peeing down 100%. Pooping I'm sure will remain a challenge as I experienced with Sophie and other kids I know..but what a milestone for us! He has been consistent for the past 2 days, scarfing down the skittles, m&m's and collecting Thomas trains..and I am close to tears. It has really been a battle the last few weeks and it had me so frustrated.

Oh yea!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

How to save $700 a month

Sophie and Ms. Missy

It is the end of an era. Sophie has her last day of daycare today. I still remember carrying her in a carseat to her first daycare provider at 4 months of age. Time has flown and money has been spent! Sophie started off at a home daycare provider, then when we moved to Fallston, we switch to another home provider because of the distance. Sophie was only there 6 months before we were asked not to come back..because Sophie developed major seperation anxiety and she screamed the whole day for us and a combination that Mason was the baby from hell with colic. Obviously we felt that provider did not try hard enough but oh well. I had 1 week to find day care for them before going back to school..I got them in a center quickly..but left there in a year because it went way down hill and was horrible. Sophie's last tour of duty was Stonewall which has been amazing.

We figured since we are going to be on vacation for the next couple weeks, I didnt feel like paying the missed weeks when she only has 3 weeks before starting kindergarten. I figured it is a great time to spend some time together before entering the big bad world of school. I have tons of stuff planned..lots of playdates, pool trips, tea with friends, will go by quickly.
Mason will still go everyday..they can deal with him!

Sophie had mixed emotions this morning. She was very excited.but a little sad too. This has been her routine for as long as she can remember. We are starting a new chapter. Kindergaten with a school bus. Pass me the tissues.

So..I finally slashed my daycare bill in half. I have an extra $700 in my pocket. What a windfall. Now..will I actually see the savings is yet to be determined.

Sophie and Miss Jessica

Sophie and her Pinnochio Friends

Off to Vermont tomorrow!!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Slowly but Surely...

I had decided to put Mason in a pull up in the last couple days so that he can practice pulling his pants up and down in preperation for "Ditch the Diapers" day in August. So, when I put him in it yesterday, I told him he can pull it down if he wants to try the potty. That was at 7:45 am. I picked him up from daycare around 5 and his teachers told me the original pull-up was still on him. Yea!..I thought. Turns out Mason hadn't gone all day. He basically held himself because he refused the potty and did not want to wet the pull-up. Ughhh!!!

I put the pull-up on him again today. Same thing happened when I went to pick him up. I stuck his little potty seat in the middle of my living room, turned on a video and told him to sit on the potty. Low and took 45 minutes...but success! He peed! He was quite happy about it. He was able to pick a prize and told everyone he saw out for dinner tonight that he peed in the potty.

The icing on the cake was he pooped on the potty tonight as well.

I know we arent home free yet...but I am seeing a shimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. I think we still have miles to go. He is so stubborn!

Gearing up for vacation in the next couple weeks. Off to Vermont next weekend and then the beach after that!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Green with Envy

I have had my iPod since Apple started supporting them for the PC. I love it. I am on my second one and use it every day whether it is at the gym, in the car or at home. So I thought Brian would really love one for Father's Day. He is always borrowing mine when he mows the lawn. I was going to go with the Shuffle..since he can clip it on and go. It holds about 500 songs for about $79. Then I got to thinking for 70 bucks more I can get him the 4 gig Nano which had video capabilities and the ease of seeing what is playing.

He finally took it out of the package the other day and when I saw it I was in instant heaven. I never realized how small and thin it was. It showed the album covers on the screen. Mine didn't do that. Mine doesn't show video..there is no color. It made my iPod look antiquated. I had to have one.

I immediately ordered an 8 gig one (cause I have to have a bigger one!) for myself. So much lighter and I can use it more easily at the gym. And I got it in mint green. Isn't it pretty?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Who you Calling Crabby?

Last night we had our first crabs of the summer. Actually it has been a while since we have had a good ol crab fest. Brian really does not like them, and unless you have other people to eat them with, its not worth it. It's kind of like going out for ice cream by yourself.

For those of you not familiar with the Baltimore obsession of picking crabs it is quite a happening here in Maryland. Tons of roadside stores advertise their specials. You would think that these bottom dweller crustaceans would be cheap, but they are a pricey, messy meal. I adore a good crab fest, but as I mentioned before, Brian can do without. It is a lot of work and mess for only a small reward of a little meat. However, if you have a technique down, you can be quite productive in getting the meat out.

So we decided to have our friends in the neighborhood over to split a bushel of crabs with us. We provided all the goodies that went along with the "blues" such as corn on the cob, chips and plenty of beer. Tons of fun, but we were left with about 3 dozen. Brian and I ate them again tonight, and I gave him the step-by-step of getting the best of the crab and he admitted to liking it better.

Back to the grind tomorrow. I start with summer school for 3 weeks. It is good extra money that will come in handy when we leave for Vermont at the end of the month!

Friday, June 27, 2008

What a Difference a Day Makes

We were told that we were able to pick up Zoe from the animal hospital tonight..and what a difference! Zoe has tons of energy, her normal coloring is back (although from the picture you would think her eyes are still jaundice..but I think that was the camera). She is sporting a bandage from her her IV catheter was..but other than that we are back to our normal dog!

She has 4 medications to take over the next 14-20 days, and another blood test next week..but if all goes well, then we can put this behind us.

So, while we are out $502.48, we are happy to have our faithful friend home!

Some Sunshine on an Otherwise Gloomy Day

So, yesterday started off as a typical day. I got the kids over to daycare, went to the gym, got some coffee and went home where my housecleaner was finishing up. She is very fond of Zoe and always comes prepared with treats for her. When I got home she informed me that Zoe wasn't quite herself and she noticed that her skin was yellow. I too have noticed that Zoe has been lethargic the last few days and not eating much. I called the vet and he basically said he would need to see her immediately as the symptoms presented as pretty serious.

We were at the vet's an hour later and he confirmed that Zoe was pretty sick. The jaundice she had along with other symptoms were indicative of hepatitis (liver disease) or Hemolytic Anemia. The latter was the worse of the 2. He took her from me and said he had to run some tests and wanted to keep her at least overnight to get her hooked up on IV fluids and medications. It was pretty gloomy. After finding out that we already spent $500 on all the tests, it was possible Zoe would need a liver biopsy to determine prognosis (add another $500). Our thoughts turned to the financial dilemma we faced and Zoe being 12 years old and what our options were. I certainly was not wanting to put Zoe down, but the thought of spending thousands of dollars on a 12 year dog was not a reasonable solution.

So it was a rough night for me last night.

This morning I called the vet to get her status. It turns out that Zoe had an excellent night and has made significant improvement. He did not see a need to biopsy her and recommended that she continue to get fluids all day and we can pick her up tonight with some antibiotics and a change in her dog food.

Yay! This picture of the kids I took this morning brightened my day!

Monday, June 23, 2008

A bite of the Big Apple

With the help of some of the grandparents this past weekend Brian and I were able to get away to NYC for a long weekend. We had 3 days in the city and pretty much did everything we wanted to do on this trip. Friday after checking into our hotel, we ventured into the city to walk around, check out Times Square and walk up 5th Avenue. We finally snagged a table at Serendipity3 (which we failed to get in last time). We were not hungry for dinner yet but decided to try the world famous frrrroozzzen hot chocolate. It was a huge goblet meant to be shared. Pretty good, the first couple sips and then I wasn't so impressed. I'm glad I went but wouldn't wait to go back there.

Saturday, Brian met his college friends and went to Yankee Stadium to see the Yankees play one more time in the original stadium. I decided to skip the game and met up with my friend who now lives in the city. We ate lunch in SoHo and did some shopping. I met up with Brian and his crew after the game and we went to Chinatown for dinner and went to Rice to Riches for dessert (think Ice cream shop, but instead of 24 varieties of ice cream at one time, 24 varieties of rice pudding). Very funky place, awesome dessert.

Sunday, Brian's friend told us how you can score cheap show tickets. The process is called Rush and it is basically a lottery. 2 hours before a show, the box office lets you put your name in a bucket and they draw anywhere from 12-20 tickets and if you are called you get to see the show for $20 and you sit in the front row. We took our chance with Avenue Q, which we both wanted to see. The second pick was Brian's name so we were thrilled. The show was hysterical. Think Sesame Street for mature audiences over 18.

On the way home we stopped at Harold's deli on the New Jersey turnpike for the most gigantic portions of sandwiches and other Jewish fare you can imagine. There is no words describe the portions they serve. Brian and I ordered one sandwich to share and we still took home enough for 3 more sandwiches.

We got home last night and the kids had fun with the grandparents. So, a good time had by all!

Friday, June 13, 2008

and the Cheese Stands Alone

My sister has been having the same toilet training struggles as I have had lately. I have to admit, my sister had more reason to be frustrated. Brooke is over 3 and a-half, a girl and looked like she was going no where fast. Well, much to Amy's delight, something finally struck a chord with Brooke and she has been peeing on the potty for the past 2 days. That leaves Mason, alone in his diapers. Yea! for Amy, and I remain bitter and frustrated.

In other news of the week, I officially ended working yesterday. It was the last day of school, and it feels weird that I won't have a school to go to in August. I've definitely loved my schedule this year, working 2 days for the school and having 3 days with the business at home. Now I will be home 5 days a week. The nice part is I have a great relationship with the director of speech for the county and she let me know there will be per diem work if I want to pick up a day here or there, on my schedule.

I finally took the plunge and had my hair straightened using this new treatment my friend Lisa has been raving about. It's a Brazilian Hair Treatment. It's basically a keratin product put in your hair and then it is flat ironed out. It takes a while (almost 2 hours), but the results are insane. I have no frizz at all. My hair is shiny, straight and so easy to do. The bad part of it is that is has formaldehyde in it which when it is ironed in causes fumes that can cause cancer, but at least my hair will look great at my funeral.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

How Do You Like Your Eggs?

Order up! Because we have an open skillet on our sidewalk. It is that hot out! Yesterday was just oppressive, today is the same but there is a slight warm breeze in the air making it somewhat bearable. Sophie had a birthday party today at Annie's Playground. I lost the coin toss of who takes her, so it was me in the hot sun with a bunch of sweaty 5 year olds and the other parents that loss the coin toss. We lasted about an hour and a half and are now recovering in the air conditioned house. Relief.

Last night we had the first snowball of the year. Snowballs are a definite Baltimore tradition. It's very popular to cover your snowball with marshmallow fluff. Weird, but it is pretty good. It's not Italian ice, which Brian and I are more fond of. Its more like a snow cone. There are stands all over the place with over 100 choices of flavors. Sophie and Mason had theirs straight up..Sophie choosing watermelon and Mason had the orange. I'll still have Rita's any day.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Best Party-Hands Down!

Today we celebrated Sophie's 5th birthday with her friends at her party. When trying to figure out where to have her party I wanted to do something different (there are a handful of places in the county to have it..and it's the same thing all the time). Someone told me about Amer's Cafe in Baltimore County and told me how kid friendly it was. We decided to check it out for dinner one night in March to see if the food was good. The place is Mediterranean and pizza. Strange combination, but it works. So we booked Sophie's party after that night. They do a package where the kids make their own pizzas. The place supplies the decorations, cake, ice cream and party favors. This place also has a belly dancer available that can entertain the kids at the party!

Entertain she did. She had scarves, finger cymbals (whatever they are called), tambourines, etc. She even did makeup for the kids.

Sophie loved being princess for the day and all the kids wanting to sit next to her. She settled for her friend and neighbor, Becke and her not-so-secret crush, Aiden. Sophie adores Aiden and the feeling is mutual since Aiden asked Sophie if he can sleep over at our house in her big bed with her.

Sophie and Aiden

The kids had a total blast and the parents loved the party. I may have got them a few referrals!

The best part was Sophie running up to me at the end and hugging me and telling me I'm the best mommy ever and it was the best party ever. I rock. Hopefully she will remember this day when she is 15 and fighting with me about something trivial.

Tomorrow Sophie has a birthday party for one of the girls in her class..and God help is at a huge playground. Oh, and it's going to be 94 degrees out.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Out of the Mouths of Babes

So today I was dropping the kids off at daycare and the director stopped me on my way in to let me know how funny my son is. She had gone in his room yesterday to try and talk up the 3-year old room and how much fun it was and that some of Mason's friends would be going there soon and that his friends would be leaving. All this in an attempt to "bribe" my boy to start thinking of using the potty. To this Mason told the director "I'll make new friends". She told me she nearly fell over laughing. At least she is finding the situation funny. From what I heard through other parents, they have a big push once the kids turn 3 to get them on the stick to start going on the potty since they can't move up to the next room until they are potty trained. I guess Mason told her.

Then, on my way to pick him up today I was informed by the teachers that Mason was bit in the back by one of his friends in an incident. The policy is the teachers are not allowed to tell parents who was the victim, or who did the biting..but we all know that at age 3 and up, kids talk. Mason promptly told me it was his friend Ernest who is Mason's best buddy there, who I am friends with his mom. His mom called me tonight so apologetic for the kid. It is so funny how we personalize the actions of our kids. I didn't even give it a second thought. Mason just is a kid you want to take a "nibble" at!

Monday, June 2, 2008

3-Year Olds Know How to Party!

We had Mason's birthday party yesterday at My Gym. What a racket these birthday parties are. And I am a parent who has to have 2 of them within a short time of each other. But, I digress.

The party actually worked out great. One of Mason's friend's in his class turned 3 a few days after Mason, so his mom and I decided that since the same kids would be invited, to share the party. Worked out great for the guests too, since mom and dads only had to take their kids to one party.

We did a Blue's Clues Theme for the most part. Blues Clues cake, puppy ears for the boys and some Blues Clues goodies. I have been hanging a Blue's Clues handy dandy notebook over Mason's head for weeks now in an effort to get him to pee in the potty. He got one in his goody pail, so the joke is on me. He happily walked around with it all day. I swear he paid more attention to that stupid 50 cent party favor than any of his gifts. It figures.

Sophie had a great time too. It's amazing how much more adventurous she has become. She was the first to raise her hand to go down the ripcord, where as a year or so way. Now Mason is the wimp.

Sophie's party is next week and should be really fun. The kids are making their own pizzas and I hired a belly dancer to teach the kids fun dances!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Sophie!!

And so the birthday marathon comes to an end. Sophie is 5 today. She woke up excited for her big day and asked where her presents were. I told her she had to wait for Brian to get home, but she was allowed to have her card and Mason's gift. Before she opened his gift she guessed correctly (Black Lab Webkin) what it was as she explained to me that Mason got his webkin for his birthday and she knew it came from the same store. Smartass.

She went to school announcing to everyone that it was her birthday and brought in ice cream for her birthday treat.

Later on we will hang out with the neighborhood at our monthly summer block party. A great way to celebrate the day.

I also checked out the addition to the Ma and Pa trail at Annie's Playground today. It isn't officially open until June 7th, but I have heard people have been using it.
They did a great job with it and it is really scenic with lots of footbridges along the way.

We went to Cold Stone last night for ice cream and we figured out how they are dealing with this economy. Smaller portions. The portions were definitely smaller by about 50%. In a way I'm thankful for the smaller portions because no one needs the sizes they used to give..but $4.00 now seems like a rip-off.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Carrie Bradshaw I am not.

But, like the Sex and the City heroine, I do adore my shoes. While the value of my shoes don't come nearly as close as the four women in the show, I have quite a collection..some on the pricey side and some that are just damn right bargains.

I got the pictured shoe ten years ago in an indoor flea market in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I was with my 3 girlfriend enjoying some time in Boca Raton before going on a cruise. My girlfriend Beth and I bought these shoes for $5. Let me tell you, this was $5 that was so well spent. They are so light and so comfortable. I have worn these shoes to death, with shorts, capris, in pajamas to run out and get the paper and actually with a dressy dress. They have moved with me to 3 houses and even though I have 4 or 5 other pairs of black sandals..I always turn to these.

So, you can imagine my grief when I discovered that one of the straps have broken off the sandal. You think they could have been better constructed for $5. I'm seriously looking into getting them repaired..although it will probably be 3x as much as my original investment.

If anyone sees these shoes anywhere (in a size 9!)let me know! I don't even know the maker, since it has been long worn off!