Sunday, April 29, 2007

Feeling Better Every Day!

I have done what the orthopedist said, I've been weaning myself from the air cast. The first day felt a little weird, but I am slowly getting strength back now. I can take the steps up one at a time. Going down the steps are still a little challenging for me, I am as slow as the kids. I pretty much only where the cast now when I go out to run errands, I am not wearing it in the house at all anymore.

This weekend we had several family visitors. Brian's dad and his wife came down on Saturday for a visit. The weather was nice and we had a impomtu bbq. My friend Alyssa, took Sophie over to Annie's Playground for a play date with Becke. It was nice to see Sophie go off so independently and excited.

Today, we are just waiting for my parents to come down for a short visit. The kids are napping now and they should be here by the time they get up. While I'm waiting around I got my herb box planted with 7-8 different herbs I hope to use this summer.

Enjoy the cute pictures of the kids enjoying one of their favorite lunches in the whole world. Pirogies. Pasta, potatoes and cheese. Mason's basic food groups. He positively shovels them in his mouth.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The end is almost near!

I went for my four week xray today to see how the ankle is progressing. I have pretty much resigned myself to wear the air cast for another 2-3 weeks, but was anxious to see how far I've come.
The doctor was very impressed with my progress and said the bone is virtually healed. He wants me to wean myself off the boot over the next 2 weeks and then I will be done and this inconvenience in my life will be over. So, I am now able to go to sleep without it and walk around the house without it. Yippee!
The only thing that put a damper on the day was being diagnosed with strep throat for the 2nd time this year. So, I'm sucking down icees and soup, waiting for the antibiotics to kick in.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Good Day Sunshine!

Hello Springtime! Finally, after weeks of miserable weather, an absolutely gorgeous weekend! Nothing can destroy my good mood with the weather..not my stupid cast (just past 3 weeks for those of you keeping track) or for the fact that the kids woke up slightly before 7 am both weekend days. No way.. After breakfast yesterday, the kids were so ready to go outside..we broke out the new playdough for the season and the kids spent over an hour making playdough noodles, cakes and pizzas. Another good thing about nice weather? Outside play = tired kids with long naps! Love it!

Last night we took a ride to Wegmans to stock up on some gourmet goodies and then for an early dinner, followed by some more outside play before baths and bed. Sophie and Mason love sidewalk art and made a masterpiece on the driveway with their chalk.

Brian and I finally got to see The Departed. The fact that we started the movie after 9 pm and it wasn't over until 11:30 worried me a bit, since I have yet to stay up past 10:00 for a movie in I don't know how long. Well, I stayed awake for the whole thing..really disturbing, but really good.

Today, another early wakeup, a chocolate chip pancake breakfast and then off to Lowes for some plants and herbs. Many other people had the same idea cause the place was packed with everyone who had Spring Fever.

Kids are napping to my cousin Debbie's a little later for a cookout and playtime for the kids.

X-Rays on Wednesday! Keep good thoughts for me..I'm doubtful, but I can only hope!

Patio in the making...can't wait for it to be done!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

The only good thing about a rainy day is that the kids sleep later in the morning. It poured last night as expected and when I woke up this morning I looked at the clock and it was 8:23! Not a single child was awake yet! Yipee!

However, we are most likely stuck inside all day due to the rain. It's just not worth it to go anywhere.

Sophie and Mason spent their morning entertaining themselves with coloring. If you have kids and haven't tried the Color Wonder products yet, they are so cool. It gives Sophie a lot of confidence with coloring and you really can't color out of the lines. Plus, it can't get on clothes or furniture. A big plus! We tricked Mason that he was coloring and left the caps on the markers...cause he just likes to press down and break the tips off. Ok, my commercial for Crayola is over.

Off to make lunch for the kids. Meal time is so much fun (not really).

Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday the far so good...

Two weeks ago that would not have been the case. I have been lugging around the air cast for 2 weeks now. I go for X-rays on April 25th (10 days...). Everyone pray with me that I am out of this thing after that appointment. I have been discovering other friends and co-workers that have had the same similar mishap I have, and most people seem to have been in their cast for 6 weeks. That seems to be the magic number. So, that should put me at May 9th or so...

In other news, not too much going on. I started long-term subbing at a great elementary school in the heart of Bel Air this week. I will have this gig for 6 weeks. Brian is busy with his class. He has one more class after this one and then he gets his long anticipated MBA. A party will definitely be planned for celebration.

Sophie and Mason have been good. Mason had a horrible cough this week that kept us up for several nights. He sounded like a coal miner or someone with emphysema. We have a little Imelda Marcos on our hands. I bought Sophie a ton of spring/summer shoes. I think her feet grew overnight cause her sneakers literally fit her one day and not the next morning. When I went to get her sized she went up a size and a half. She loves her flip-flops particularly and gets upset she cannot wear them to school. Rules are rules.

Here's a picture of Sophie modeling one of her many pairs of new shoes!

It is supposed to be a wash-out this weekend...stay dry!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Some sunshine on an otherwise gloomy day...

Ok, so it has been a little while since I last posted on the happenings of our lives. Told you not to get used to the daily news!

Things are still status quo on the ankle. I do feel much better. Not as much pain, but I am dragging this heavy cast around with me. I tried driving a few days ago and was successful, so I feel like a prisoner released! Yes, it is a pain to take the boot off and on in the car to drive, but at least I can get things done now and head back to work! Yesterday was supposed to be my first day back, but Mason decided to get sick at daycare and get sent home so I had to stay home yet another day. I'm actually getting used to all this daytime tv now and sadly timing my otherwise uneventful day around it.

They have started construction on our paver patio. We were not expecting the crew to start until the end of the month, so it will be a nice treat when that is done. Hopefully the weather will warm up a bit so we can sit outside and enjoy it. I shouldn't complain about the weather. I can just imagine how comfortable it will be to wear this aircast when the mercury rises over 70 degrees. Hopefully I only have 2 more weeks..but that would be really lucky.

Back to work tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Matzoh Matzoh Man!

Well, we are in the midst of Passover. The dietary restrictions for Passover are basically awful. No bread, rice, pasta, corn, etc... This year let us throw in a broken ankle and 2 toddlers who are picky eaters and meal time is such a delight (sarcasm intended).

I really can't spend time in the kitchen on my feet, so people have been bringing in food for the family. So nice. One friend brought matzoh ball soup and Sophie and Mason enjoyed that.

Since I'm laying around all day on my butt all week with mandatory rest, I have plenty of time to blog, but don't get used to it! I am determined to be mobile soon and the daily blogs should be rare.

But for now, enjoy the photos of the cuties enjoying tonight's Passover dinner.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Every Dog has its Day...

Birthday that is.

Zoe turned 11 (thats 77 human years, thank you very much!) on April 1st. As we have faithfully done since Brian has adopted Zoe as his own, we give her a McDonalds Happy Meal for her birthday dinner.

She usually gobbles it down as soon as it is put in front of her, but she picked at it over several hours. Ironically, she did not eat the bun of her burger. We are thinking she knows she is a Jewish dog and respecting the Passover holiday. The kids had fun feeding her french fries.

Happy Birthday Zoe! We can definately see you aging..but you remain a loyal and loving part of our clan!

Monday, April 2, 2007

An unwanted vacation

For those of you keeping track, I'm on day 4 of immobility. Most people say that if this was meant to happen, it could not have happened at a better time. I'm off from school for over a week, the kids still have school/daycare and I can totally rest my foot. I disagree..there is never a good time for this to happen. The aircast they fit me with is heavy and uncomfortable and I still experience a good deal of pain. I look like a StarWars stormtrooper who lost one boot.

I've been pretty good about resting and have parked myself on the couch armed with books, the laptop, the phone and TV. What more can a gal want? Brian has been great taking care of the kids in ways I can't and adjusted his work schedule a bit so he can get them off to school in the morn.
My friends in the neighborhood have been amazing. My one friend took me to get my cast, when I couldn't get in touch with Brian when it happened. People have been bringing me dinners, offering to do my hair and have just been so super.

This past weekend was fairly boring to say the least. We did go out for dinner on Saturday night (the hell I'd give up on a babysitter!) and just adjusted where we went, I was able to be dropped off right at the restaurant and kept off my feet.

On Sunday Amy, Scott and the kids came down to visit. The kids had fun playing together. Sophie and Mason led a dancing session as the pictures show.