I love the daycare that the kids go to (well, just Mason now) but they have a steadfast rule of not being able to go up to the 3 year old room until they are fully potty trained. Big problem in this house since Mason was clearly not ready on his 3rd birthday to do it. It took 3 months and Mason decided enough is enough and made the plunge in a few short days. It was pretty hard for us this summer. Mason was clearly one of the bigger kids in his room and all of his friends had transitioned upstairs to the 3 year old classrooms. I was so scared that he was going to be in the same class picture when school pictures were taken in September.
So tomorrow, armed with a new Spiderman lunchbox, Mason will climb a flight of stairs into his new 3 year old class and join his other friends he has been missing for a few months!
We are successfully peeing and pooping on the potty so we are all pretty happy. We still have to deal with a wet pull up at night (during sleep)...but that will come in time. I am not in a horrible hurray with that one. All in good time.
Mason with his 2 year old teachers, Ms. Donna and Miss. Ashley.

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