We had Mason's birthday party yesterday at My Gym. What a racket these birthday parties are. And I am a parent who has to have 2 of them within a short time of each other. But, I digress.
The party actually worked out great. One of Mason's friend's in his class turned 3 a few days after Mason, so his mom and I decided that since the same kids would be invited, to share the party. Worked out great for the guests too, since mom and dads only had to take their kids to one party.
We did a Blue's Clues Theme for the most part. Blues Clues cake, puppy ears for the boys and some Blues Clues goodies. I have been hanging a Blue's Clues handy dandy notebook over Mason's head for weeks now in an effort to get him to pee in the potty. He got one in his goody pail, so the joke is on me. He happily walked around with it all day. I swear he paid more attention to that stupid 50 cent party favor than any of his gifts. It figures.
Sophie had a great time too. It's amazing how much more adventurous she has become. She was the first to raise her hand to go down the ripcord, where as a year or so ago..no way. Now Mason is the wimp.
Sophie's party is next week and should be really fun. The kids are making their own pizzas and I hired a belly dancer to teach the kids fun dances!

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