Our little one is 3 today! I'm looking at my watch right now and thought back to where I was 3 years ago today. Sixteen minutes ago I had just given birth to my baby boy. Wow..time had flown. it's been over 1000 days and our screaming, never napping baby (who we affectionately called "LB"..little bastard) has grown into a very loving and happy toddler. Wait...is 3 still a toddler? I'll have to refer to my developmental books for the answer on that one. Regardless, toddler or preschooler, we are anxiously awaiting Mason's next milestone. Potty Trained. I feel we are so close. It is all up to him now. He has to want it. We have Thomas trains, Blues Clues handy dandy notebooks and Webkins lined up on the counter to entice him.
Sophie was running a fever yesterday afternoon and some Motrin seemed to turn her around. I peeked in her ears and it appeared one was a little red. She woke up this morning and was crying she did not feel good. The fever was back and high..so off to Patient First we went. Two hours later, we had amoxycillen in hand to treat an ear infection and tonsilitus. Looks like we are relaxing at home this Memorial Day weekend..which is fine with me. I'm working on a good book anyway.
1 comment:
There he goes our cross-dresser
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