Friday, May 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Sophie!!

And so the birthday marathon comes to an end. Sophie is 5 today. She woke up excited for her big day and asked where her presents were. I told her she had to wait for Brian to get home, but she was allowed to have her card and Mason's gift. Before she opened his gift she guessed correctly (Black Lab Webkin) what it was as she explained to me that Mason got his webkin for his birthday and she knew it came from the same store. Smartass.

She went to school announcing to everyone that it was her birthday and brought in ice cream for her birthday treat.

Later on we will hang out with the neighborhood at our monthly summer block party. A great way to celebrate the day.

I also checked out the addition to the Ma and Pa trail at Annie's Playground today. It isn't officially open until June 7th, but I have heard people have been using it.
They did a great job with it and it is really scenic with lots of footbridges along the way.

We went to Cold Stone last night for ice cream and we figured out how they are dealing with this economy. Smaller portions. The portions were definitely smaller by about 50%. In a way I'm thankful for the smaller portions because no one needs the sizes they used to give..but $4.00 now seems like a rip-off.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Carrie Bradshaw I am not.

But, like the Sex and the City heroine, I do adore my shoes. While the value of my shoes don't come nearly as close as the four women in the show, I have quite a collection..some on the pricey side and some that are just damn right bargains.

I got the pictured shoe ten years ago in an indoor flea market in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I was with my 3 girlfriend enjoying some time in Boca Raton before going on a cruise. My girlfriend Beth and I bought these shoes for $5. Let me tell you, this was $5 that was so well spent. They are so light and so comfortable. I have worn these shoes to death, with shorts, capris, in pajamas to run out and get the paper and actually with a dressy dress. They have moved with me to 3 houses and even though I have 4 or 5 other pairs of black sandals..I always turn to these.

So, you can imagine my grief when I discovered that one of the straps have broken off the sandal. You think they could have been better constructed for $5. I'm seriously looking into getting them repaired..although it will probably be 3x as much as my original investment.

If anyone sees these shoes anywhere (in a size 9!)let me know! I don't even know the maker, since it has been long worn off!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Mason!

Our little one is 3 today! I'm looking at my watch right now and thought back to where I was 3 years ago today. Sixteen minutes ago I had just given birth to my baby boy. Wow..time had flown. it's been over 1000 days and our screaming, never napping baby (who we affectionately called "LB"..little bastard) has grown into a very loving and happy toddler. 3 still a toddler? I'll have to refer to my developmental books for the answer on that one. Regardless, toddler or preschooler, we are anxiously awaiting Mason's next milestone. Potty Trained. I feel we are so close. It is all up to him now. He has to want it. We have Thomas trains, Blues Clues handy dandy notebooks and Webkins lined up on the counter to entice him.

Sophie was running a fever yesterday afternoon and some Motrin seemed to turn her around. I peeked in her ears and it appeared one was a little red. She woke up this morning and was crying she did not feel good. The fever was back and off to Patient First we went. Two hours later, we had amoxycillen in hand to treat an ear infection and tonsilitus. Looks like we are relaxing at home this Memorial Day weekend..which is fine with me. I'm working on a good book anyway.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Let Them Eat Cake!

Haven't we done this earlier in the week? Oh yeah, we did. Here we are on cake #2. As Marie Antoinette famously said "Let them eat cake!". So the Schorrs do again! Brian's dad and Shelly came down for day to see the kids for their birthdays. So dessert was...cake. And who am I to turn down buttercream.

Speaking of baked goods, how stupid is this..
We are in the supermarket today getting a few things for dinner tonight and Brian ventures into the bakery department. He starts looking through the goods and see a box of a dozen DAY OLD donuts for $1.99. Well, Mr. Genius thinks this is a great deal, since one FRESH donut is 50 cents, so he is saving so much by buying a dozen donuts that he will eat himself. Since every person need their own dozen donuts. (In addition to birthday cake) He got home and ate 2 of them..and I swear he is finishing every last one of those donuts if I have to serve them to him for dinner just to prove my point.

Finally some beautiful weather. The kids got to play outside. We got out the t-ball set and the soccer ball. They loved playing in the sandbox too.

I could not resist this moment to capture on the camera. Mason called me from upstairs to look at his work of art that he did on the easel. A future Picasso.

Happy Memorial Day to all. Sophie asked me what what Memorial Day was this morning and I tried to explain to her the best way I can for a 5 year old. I told her that we remember all the people that protect our country and protect her from bad things. Sometimes those people die while working to protect us. She kept saying that her mom-mom (who passed away last year) and Grandpa and Grandma Shelly's dog were protecting America. Interesting how a five year old pieces things together.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A plug for my friend

One of the websites I have been addicted to as of lately is Etsy. It's basically an online handmade crafts market. You can get anything on Etsy and I have. Jewelry, clothing, wallets, journals, the best cupcakes under the sun,our website image, soap, shampoo and more. I admit I spend way too much on this site. I wish I was crafty enough to sell my wares. My friend Elena told me about Etsy back in November. She was also addicted and buying everything in sight. Her husband dared her to make something to sell to support her Etsy addiction.

So she did. Enter NayaDesigns. She came up with a concept of a bracelet to count food points on (aka..Weight Watchers) and smartly came up with the name "skinny bitch". In addition to her best selling bracelets, she makes gorgeous earrings and necklaces as well...go Elena!

I got Brian on the Etsy bandwagon as well. He has managed to get me a few cute things.

Nothing else really new on the homefront. Apparantly the teachers in her room have the "Easy Listening" station on at daycare during rest time. Since Sophie does not nap anymore, she has managed to learn many of the songs she hears. She cam home today singing Prince "Kiss". What a character.

How long have I lived here?

It will be 6 years this summer since we moved down to Maryland. In that time I've gotten used to being below the Mason-Dixon line. I love being close to Baltimore (even though I miss Philly). We have found more than enough great restaurants and cultural activities to keep us happy.

I've been going to the gym to get my exercise for the last 4 years..same couple machines, same classes and it's been ok. I really do not like exercising, but do it cause I pretty much have to. I have always heard of the Ma and Pa trail in Bel Air and finally checked it out today. It was great! It's basically a 5 mile walking trail that is gravely road in the woods. It was hilly in parts which made my 2 mile walk a little more challenging. What a novelty to walk and actually go somewhere (instead of going round and round on a treadmill. I used to live right by the Wissihickon Park in Philly and it reminded me of the old days.

It was great to be in the fresh air with my iPod, hoefully I can convince some of my friends to join me for a "walk and talk" make the time go by even faster.

I can't believe it took me almost 6 years to get there.

Monday, May 19, 2008

You say it's your Birthday...

Oh yeah.... The birthday fanfare is about to hit the Schorr house. We got 3 birthdays in 10 days starting tomorrow with Brian. Because we love to get freebies and deals we are fully taking advantage of the birthday deals. So read on..if it is your birthday or if it is coming are some tips for free treats!

Coldstone Creamery gives you a free ice cream creation for your birthday. The portions are huge we usually all end up sharing one. Times that deal by 3 (in one week)..we will be frequenting this place.

Friendly's gives all kids a free meal on their birthday and adults free ice cream. Guess we will be eating dinner there in the next couple weeks. I'm not a big fan of Friendly's food (although I am all over the ice cream)..however, the kids meals there are impressive.

ToysRUs sends the kids small gift cards ($3) for their birthdays. I know, not much to buy with 3 bucks..but they can manage to find something!

It's great to get all these freebies..but it would have been nicer to have them spread out. That's what I get having 2 kids 5 days apart in the month of May.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Don't knock it till you try it.

So, last night we had a treat of a babysitter and we were able to go out for dinner that did not involve chicken tenders on the menu. Since it was Brian's birthday coming up we went to Salt in Butchers Hill.
We have had this place on on list for a couple years, and they recently started taking reservations for parties of less than 6. So we jumped all over that. One of their signature appetizers are duck fat french fries. heard that right, potatoes, deep fried in duck fat. Sounds a little sketchy...but oh my good. Everyone had the paper cones at their table filled with the heart-attack helper. Plus they add 3 types of aioli (fancy name for mayonnaise) to dip them in. That's a healthy dish! Anyway..that plus some drinks, to die for entrees and dessert and no one's food to cut up or blow on..made for a great evening. We do need to get out more!

So, here is a picture of Mason I snapped yesterday morning..I have no words.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Pardon the Interuption...

Yes, it has been forever and a day since the last blog and no, I really don't have an excuse. But in a nutshell..lets see what you have missed. School is winding down..Sophie is registered for kindergarten. Mason and I are having the willful battle of toilet training and he is winning. Although, he has relented a bit and been able to pee in the potty occasionally! Yes! I can't wait to burn those diapers!

Brian and I have both been very busy with the kids, work and life in general. We finally got our webstore up and running. Sales have been sporadic, but we hope that it will solidly be in place come the busy holiday time. Check us out at

The birthday marathon will soon be upon us as we celebrate 3 birthdays in 10 days in the Schorr home. Brian is first, on the 20th, Mason is the 25th and Sophie closes us out on the 30th. Throw my dad in there on the 29th too. Lots of cake to be had! The birthday parties are planned and everyone is excited to turn another year older. (Except maybe Brian. Check with him).

We had a big weekend. We had everyone down on Saturday to celebrate Mothers Day and go to Sophie's first dance recital. She took jazz this year at daycare. Daycare Dance Institute (DDI) is a great program for working parents. The dance instructor goes into the schools for classes during the day, so parents don't have to take one of their precious Saturdays..or weekday nights to run around and go tto dance classes. Sophie has Ms. Sarah this year and loved it. She performed her routine to "Boot Scootin Boogie" and brought the house down! In the hot pink costume, complete with a cowboy hat, she was reminiscent of Jon Benoit Ramsey...eerie...

The postings will continue!