And so the birthday marathon comes to an end. Sophie is 5 today. She woke up excited for her big day and asked where her presents were. I told her she had to wait for Brian to get home, but she was allowed to have her card and Mason's gift. Before she opened his gift she guessed correctly (Black Lab Webkin) what it was as she explained to me that Mason got his webkin for his birthday and she knew it came from the same store. Smartass.
She went to school announcing to everyone that it was her birthday and brought in ice cream for her birthday treat.
Later on we will hang out with the neighborhood at our monthly summer block party. A great way to celebrate the day.
I also checked out the addition to the Ma and Pa trail at Annie's Playground today. It isn't officially open until June 7th, but I have heard people have been using it.
They did a great job with it and it is really scenic with lots of footbridges along the way.
We went to Cold Stone last night for ice cream and we figured out how they are dealing with this economy. Smaller portions. The portions were definitely smaller by about 50%. In a way I'm thankful for the smaller portions because no one needs the sizes they used to give..but $4.00 now seems like a rip-off.