Ok, so it has been a while since I have blogged. I was gently reminded of this fact at my cousin's bat-mitzvah yesterday. I'm glad people are actually reading this. So, now it's time to catch up. I can't believe I have not posted in 2 months. Yikes.
Things are good in the Schorr household and we are back in the swing of school. The kids love their new classrooms and are learning so much. Mason can name all his shapes and colors and recognizes his name when he sees it now. He is talking non-stop, and the speech therapist in me is a little worried that he is a little hard to understand, but I have been reassured by my colleagues that he is completely on track. He sure has been making us laugh lately.
Sophie is doing very well in school as well, and has taken to the new routine after several weeks of "I don't want to go to school". She is learning to write her letters and loves her reading program. She comes home with a new sight word every week and loves to look through her books and find them. I'm predicting she is going to be an early reader.
I'm working at the schools 2 days a week now, and helping Brian with the video game business the other days. I love my new schedule and much more relaxed this year. It gives me more freedom and I can competently get a balanced dinner on the table most nights of the week.
We have been busy most weekends lately with fall activities, parties and families visiting. Before we know it the weekend is over. Brian's mom and brother came down today and they took the kids to the playground. I have posted some pics of the kids today at the playground that Brian took. It gave me an opportunity to finally clean out my closet that I have been putting off. I've been saving clothes, thinking I'll wear them again, but decided to finally put the past behind me and donate to Goodwill. Why I was saving all those blazers with shoulder pads is beyond me.
I'll be back with more news in a day or two! It's a promise!
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