Halloween came and went and we are now coming off our sugar high.
Sophie celebrated yesterday at school. Mason had his celebration today with a parade and party. Everything went well, and Mason surprisingly kept his hat on the entire time. I was worried that was one part of his costume he would not tolerate.
After school we gathered up the costumes again, got out the candy buckets and had an outside pizza party at our neighbors before trick or treating. The kids ate next to nothing, so I resolved myself that candy was going to be the main course tonight. Oh well, it's once a year. I may not get the mother of the year award, but I can live with that.
Sophie and Mason had a great time trick or treating. Since it was a fairly mild night, most people sat outside to give out the treats. We only covered half the neighborhood at the very most and got a huge haul.
The kids know the rules. They can have 2 pieces a day. I figure if I don't touch it myself (yeah right) it should last until next summer. I'm going to need to get this out of my house..or hope the kids and Brian gobble it all up and leave me with the sweet tarts. Yuck.
Happy Halloween!