Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday the far so good...

Two weeks ago that would not have been the case. I have been lugging around the air cast for 2 weeks now. I go for X-rays on April 25th (10 days...). Everyone pray with me that I am out of this thing after that appointment. I have been discovering other friends and co-workers that have had the same similar mishap I have, and most people seem to have been in their cast for 6 weeks. That seems to be the magic number. So, that should put me at May 9th or so...

In other news, not too much going on. I started long-term subbing at a great elementary school in the heart of Bel Air this week. I will have this gig for 6 weeks. Brian is busy with his class. He has one more class after this one and then he gets his long anticipated MBA. A party will definitely be planned for celebration.

Sophie and Mason have been good. Mason had a horrible cough this week that kept us up for several nights. He sounded like a coal miner or someone with emphysema. We have a little Imelda Marcos on our hands. I bought Sophie a ton of spring/summer shoes. I think her feet grew overnight cause her sneakers literally fit her one day and not the next morning. When I went to get her sized she went up a size and a half. She loves her flip-flops particularly and gets upset she cannot wear them to school. Rules are rules.

Here's a picture of Sophie modeling one of her many pairs of new shoes!

It is supposed to be a wash-out this weekend...stay dry!

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