Friday, July 25, 2008

How to save $700 a month

Sophie and Ms. Missy

It is the end of an era. Sophie has her last day of daycare today. I still remember carrying her in a carseat to her first daycare provider at 4 months of age. Time has flown and money has been spent! Sophie started off at a home daycare provider, then when we moved to Fallston, we switch to another home provider because of the distance. Sophie was only there 6 months before we were asked not to come back..because Sophie developed major seperation anxiety and she screamed the whole day for us and a combination that Mason was the baby from hell with colic. Obviously we felt that provider did not try hard enough but oh well. I had 1 week to find day care for them before going back to school..I got them in a center quickly..but left there in a year because it went way down hill and was horrible. Sophie's last tour of duty was Stonewall which has been amazing.

We figured since we are going to be on vacation for the next couple weeks, I didnt feel like paying the missed weeks when she only has 3 weeks before starting kindergarten. I figured it is a great time to spend some time together before entering the big bad world of school. I have tons of stuff planned..lots of playdates, pool trips, tea with friends, will go by quickly.
Mason will still go everyday..they can deal with him!

Sophie had mixed emotions this morning. She was very excited.but a little sad too. This has been her routine for as long as she can remember. We are starting a new chapter. Kindergaten with a school bus. Pass me the tissues.

So..I finally slashed my daycare bill in half. I have an extra $700 in my pocket. What a windfall. Now..will I actually see the savings is yet to be determined.

Sophie and Miss Jessica

Sophie and her Pinnochio Friends

Off to Vermont tomorrow!!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Slowly but Surely...

I had decided to put Mason in a pull up in the last couple days so that he can practice pulling his pants up and down in preperation for "Ditch the Diapers" day in August. So, when I put him in it yesterday, I told him he can pull it down if he wants to try the potty. That was at 7:45 am. I picked him up from daycare around 5 and his teachers told me the original pull-up was still on him. Yea!..I thought. Turns out Mason hadn't gone all day. He basically held himself because he refused the potty and did not want to wet the pull-up. Ughhh!!!

I put the pull-up on him again today. Same thing happened when I went to pick him up. I stuck his little potty seat in the middle of my living room, turned on a video and told him to sit on the potty. Low and took 45 minutes...but success! He peed! He was quite happy about it. He was able to pick a prize and told everyone he saw out for dinner tonight that he peed in the potty.

The icing on the cake was he pooped on the potty tonight as well.

I know we arent home free yet...but I am seeing a shimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. I think we still have miles to go. He is so stubborn!

Gearing up for vacation in the next couple weeks. Off to Vermont next weekend and then the beach after that!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Green with Envy

I have had my iPod since Apple started supporting them for the PC. I love it. I am on my second one and use it every day whether it is at the gym, in the car or at home. So I thought Brian would really love one for Father's Day. He is always borrowing mine when he mows the lawn. I was going to go with the Shuffle..since he can clip it on and go. It holds about 500 songs for about $79. Then I got to thinking for 70 bucks more I can get him the 4 gig Nano which had video capabilities and the ease of seeing what is playing.

He finally took it out of the package the other day and when I saw it I was in instant heaven. I never realized how small and thin it was. It showed the album covers on the screen. Mine didn't do that. Mine doesn't show video..there is no color. It made my iPod look antiquated. I had to have one.

I immediately ordered an 8 gig one (cause I have to have a bigger one!) for myself. So much lighter and I can use it more easily at the gym. And I got it in mint green. Isn't it pretty?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Who you Calling Crabby?

Last night we had our first crabs of the summer. Actually it has been a while since we have had a good ol crab fest. Brian really does not like them, and unless you have other people to eat them with, its not worth it. It's kind of like going out for ice cream by yourself.

For those of you not familiar with the Baltimore obsession of picking crabs it is quite a happening here in Maryland. Tons of roadside stores advertise their specials. You would think that these bottom dweller crustaceans would be cheap, but they are a pricey, messy meal. I adore a good crab fest, but as I mentioned before, Brian can do without. It is a lot of work and mess for only a small reward of a little meat. However, if you have a technique down, you can be quite productive in getting the meat out.

So we decided to have our friends in the neighborhood over to split a bushel of crabs with us. We provided all the goodies that went along with the "blues" such as corn on the cob, chips and plenty of beer. Tons of fun, but we were left with about 3 dozen. Brian and I ate them again tonight, and I gave him the step-by-step of getting the best of the crab and he admitted to liking it better.

Back to the grind tomorrow. I start with summer school for 3 weeks. It is good extra money that will come in handy when we leave for Vermont at the end of the month!