Oh ok, I know its been a while since I posted lasted, but the holidays had us crazy with everything and I've barely had time to breathe. Its been a whirlwind month, everyone was sick at one point or another. But back to normal.
Big news on the Schorr homefront...
Mason is now in a bed! Oh how exciting! We gave him Sophie's bed and bought Sophie a full size bed. It's such a huge bed for our little princess and she knows it. We made the transfer today and everything went smoothly. We took down the crib, moved Sophie's bed in Mason's room and put together Sophie's new bed. Mason loved his new digs and took a nice long nap in it this afternoon.
That's about it for now. I'm pretty much hooked on Etsy lately. If you haven't had a chance check it out. www.etsy.com. I'ts a great sight for buying and selling handmade items. I'm positively addicted. I have bought bags, wallets, jewelry, signs, and so many other things. I need to stop!